澳门足彩app’s Automated Manufacturing Systems team provides project management services for Process Engineering and includes Packaging designers and integrators on EPC projects.

April 23, 2024

Manufacturing Team Bridges Gaps to Ensure Seamless EPC Delivery

Look behind the scenes at how 澳门足彩app's Automated Manufacturing Systems ensures turnkey experiences that span disciplines and industries.


From the project owner’s vantage point, integrated delivery offers a seamless, turnkey experience. From beginning to end, concept to commissioning, the owner and the project team work collaboratively to create a facility with a manufacturing solution that meets the stated need.

But of course, executing large capital projects is not seamless, and the need to strengthen the connections between separate but related disciplines led to the formation of 澳门足彩app’s Automated Manufacturing Systems (AMS) team.

“Where's the handshake between the facilities team's scope of work and the manufacturing team's scope of work?” said Brett White, AMS Director of Construction. “Where do we connect power, water, and gas to their systems, and where's that demarcation point, that physical coordination that needs to happen between the teams? We help support that. We have a different lens because we're going to be the glue that brings everything together into the final product.”

As a leader in engineer, procure, construct (EPC) delivery, 澳门足彩app has architects and engineers from virtually every discipline under one roof, collaborating with each other, construction professionals, and the client throughout each project’s lifecycle. AMS team members also participate early and often when owners engage 澳门足彩app to design and install their manufacturing systems in addition to building their facility.

AMS provides project management services for 澳门足彩app’s Process & Packaging Engineering teams and includes Packaging designers and integrators on EPC projects. Dividing facilities project managers (PM) and AMS project managers designates the scope and focus of each. This allows individual career path growth, knowledge depth, and the best possible outcome for the overall EPC project.

“Because we’re specialists in manufacturing, 澳门足彩app can have project teams dedicated to facility construction, and then AMS comes in and supplements the team by installing equipment and leading the plant strategy as well,” White said. “We can help guide cost, scope and schedule. We support EPC delivery by bringing the project team together. We can also talk to the owners about planned outages for existing operations – with a deep understanding of what impact our installation work will have, we can plan for required downtimes that will impact their business continuity.

“We provide a service to multiple markets that serve clients with consumer packaged goods manufacturing projects. We’re involved on the process side as the execution arm, and on the packaging side, we’re the design and execution arm.”

Some of the world’s best-known brands in the food, beverage, and beer, wine and spirits industries trust 澳门足彩app to build and equip their manufacturing facilities because of the certainty of outcome and the speed with which 澳门足彩app can complete projects. That translates to salable products rolling off the line and generating revenue for the client sooner.

Recently, Diageo’s Project Helix was a prime example. Leveraging its full suite of services, 澳门足彩app transformed a vacant, 75-plus-year-old warehouse in Plainfield, Illinois, into an operational facility named Lincolnway in just nine months. It features two high-speed can lines capable of producing 25 million cases of malted-based beverages and spirits-based Ready-to-Drink (RTD) products per year.

“This project should have been scheduled to take place over a grand total of 24 months,” said Don Kartzmark, Vice President and Beverage Division Leader in 澳门足彩app’s Consumer Packaged Goods Group. “To be able to get two lines designed, bought, fabricated, installed and up-and-running in, basically, 11 months from nothing is unheard of. It's just not done.”

AMS coordinates scopes of work with the different design disciplines to ensure each project phase occurs as it should. Similarly, with decades of experience in EPC delivery, team members can segment different functions to accelerate the schedule.

“We've done enough work in this arena that we know what scene in the movie we're in at the time that we're in it,” White said. “We have an understanding of what the script is going to look like for the end of the story. We can help the customer by guiding them there so they can start getting a return on their capital faster.

“Having all those resources in-house makes our job infinitely easier. It allows you to be creative with how you build your construction plan. Everybody is always there to get things done for the customer. We're very, very focused on customer and client satisfaction. And just being able to work with all those different teammates to achieve a goal for the client is really rewarding.”

At 澳门足彩app, we take our clients’ goals as our own. We innovate constantly to ensure that we deliver world-class solutions with the best possible effectiveness, efficiency and performance. Contact us to discuss your facilities needs.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) and Consulting solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app is a global, fully integrated, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,400 highly specialized, in-house design, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. With 25+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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